Attention: Authors, Experts, Speakers and Consultants
Are You Ready To Make A Quantum Leap In Your Income And Influence As An Author, Speaker Or Expert?
If you’re accepted into our program, we'll work with you over the next year to get your book done and sell lots of copies, land a lot more publicity, brand yourself as THE expert in your field, become a highly-paid public speaker, sell your book or information over the internet, create spin-off passive income streams, build your own mailing list and much, much more!
Join Quantum Leap Now and You Will Get A Full Day Masterclass With Jack Canfield
Co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and author of The Success Principles, Jack has sold more than 500 million books in 41 languages.
In this full-day, online masterclass (date TBD) Jack will present to our members, he'll reveal things you’ve never heard about becoming a successful author, speaker, and expert, including specific things you can do to make book a bestseller.

FROM: Steve Harrison

Dear Friend,
When you act on what I’m about to describe, it could change your life forever.
You see, even if we’ve never met, I know you have a big dream for your future. I want to help you make that dream come true.
In fact, I'm so serious and so excited about the possibility of helping you, that I'm going to give you ALL the details and ALL the information right here, right now, so you can decide whether or not my program is a good match for you.
Over the next year, my team and I want to personally work with you to make measurable progress toward turning your dream into a reality.
No matter how much or how little you've done so far in your career as an author, expert, speaker or consultant, we could help you get to a much higher level of publicity, income and influence.
What type of goals can we help you move toward? Here are some...
- Want to get your book done quickly? Don't spend years struggling to finish writing your book. In this letter, you'll read about how we can help you get a quality, non-fiction book written in as little as 12 weeks. Plus, we'll help you avoid critical and costly mistakes all too many authors make.
- Want to turn your book into a New York Times Bestseller? In this letter, you’ll read what the authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rich Dad Poor Dad and Automatic Millionaire say about how my company helped them get publicity and exposure long before most people had heard of their books.
- Want to bring in a healthy income or more from your book or expertise? In this letter, you’ll read about many authors and speakers I’ve put on the road to making a healthy living.
- Want to get on national TV shows such as Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN, and CBS Evening News? If so, you’ll find example after example of people just like you, who were frustrated in their efforts to get on national TV, but took the training and contacts we provided them with and made it happen.
- Want to get paid handsomely for a 90-minute speech? I’ve made $20,000 to $100,000+ from a single talk, many times, and I’ll teach you things about the speaking business it took me years to figure out through costly trial and error. Read on and you’ll see how I helped a speaker from Australia dramatically increase his speaking income.
- Want to host your own radio show, TV talk show, or podcast? In this letter, you’ll read about two people I helped become hosts of their own programs.
- Want to spend more time with your family and sell your book and other information via the Internet while making substantial amounts of passive income? Then keep reading, because you’re about to read about an author and “energy therapist” who are doing that very thing.
Are you feeling tired, frustrated, overwhelmed and confused by all the things you have to do and all the available marketing options? Then I have a solution – something unlike anything you have ever heard of before.
My Quantum Leap Program is for authors and experts who are serious about quickly going to a whole new level in their personal incomes and sphere of influence. Wouldn’t you like to be ONE of them?

Want To Know The BIGGEST DIFFERENCE Between The Top 2% Of Authors, Experts, Speakers, Consultants And Everyone Else?
The difference is simply this: Those in the top 2% know exactly how to market their book or message for maximum profit. Unlike everybody else, they focus on marketing and publicity right away and have a team of people helping them as early as the concept stage of their book.
That’s why I’m writing this letter to you.
I want you to know what the most successful authors/experts know. I want to see you getting a steady stream of publicity and exposure, making a very good six-figure income from your book/expertise, year-after-year, working from wherever you choose, doing whatever you choose, and having the total freedom that can be yours as a successful author and expert.
You’ve worked too hard and come too far to have it any other way.

You’re Probably A Lot Closer To Making A Quantum Leap Than You Realize
Since 1987, I've been consulting and advising authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs on how to promote themselves. Time and time again, I’ve seen how one major publicity appearance, one new strategy, one key contact, or one new idea has made all the difference.
These Four People Were Just One Small Step Away from Making A Quantum Leap. Are YOU?

Nan Russell had worked her way up the corporate ladder to become an executive at an internationally known company. But she wanted to make a change. She dreamed of becoming known as a respected author and speaker. When she first considered Quantum Leap the price seemed high, and she was skeptical about whether or not she would really be able to see a significant return on her investment. But after working with me and my team, she had the clarity, motivation, and resources to self-publish her first book Nibble Your Way to Success in less than 12 weeks.
She then used her newfound credibility to land over 40 speaking engagements. And it didn’t end there. She picked up consulting clients, launched a company, and even saw her next book published by a publisher. She’s finally able to share her passion and expertise with the world.

George Pappadopoulos owned a restaurant near Atlantic City. In his spare time, he loved playing blackjack at the local casinos. He did well, and decided to publish his own book. But he needed to get the word out. He came to me and I suggested he begin by doing phone interviews with radio stations. I showed him how to pitch the media with the right hook. He did over 200 radio shows in a two-year period – in fact many of them invited him back on as a repeat guest. Then he used a new publicity hook I gave him to get a seven-minute segment on a Fox News special. He sold a ton of books directly from his website in a matter of days. Next, he was booked on Howard Stern where he sold even more books. He’s been invited to write articles for Casino Player, the number one magazine for gamblers, and receives requests for speaking engagements.
His book, Blackjack’s Hidden Secrets is now the #2 bestselling gambling book of all time. And he’s had a lot of fun along the way!

Barb Schwarz is the founder of a company called StagedHomes.com. She helps homeowners sell their homes faster and for more money by helping them “stage” their home for resale using furniture, plants, paint and other things. She’s been doing it for a long time and she’s very good at what she does. She felt like her company was one of the best kept secrets out there. She wanted to take her message to a much broader market. After teaching her how to get publicity, she was able to use the training and contacts I provided to land a cover story in Southwest Airlines magazine, get written up in Cosmopolitan and appear on several radio shows. All this publicity helped lead to another big hit. She was booked on ABC’s 20/20 and got free exposure which would have cost $729,930.00 if she'd paid for that air time. Within the first hour of the show's airing, Barb received over 2,300 emails inquiring about how to buy from her! Since then she’s landed a book deal with John Wiley for a big advance, and now she’s getting lucrative offers to work with American Express, Home Depot, and Lowe's. “It’s taken me to a whole new level,” she says.

For many years I was invited to speak on getting publicity at an annual conference. I enjoyed myself, and got high marks from the audience when they filled out their evaluation forms. There was one problem though: I never made any real money. Since I wasn’t paid a speaker’s fee and had to cover my own travel costs, I was hoping that enough people would buy one of my products or services when I mentioned them at the end of my speech. But my sales results were always dismal, even though people would come up to me, shake my hand, and say “That was a great speech!” I was lucky if I produced $700 – hardly enough to justify the time and effort involved. But the next year, I made three small but specific changes in my speech. The rest of my speech remained the same! Result? To my utter amazement, when my speech ended, 40 people rushed up and handed me order forms totaling $67,000.00 in sales!

The above examples are very different from one another but there’s a common theme. In each case, the person was just one, two, or three moves away from making a Quantum Leap in their career. And I’m convinced it’s the same for you.
Of course I can't claim any of the above people represent typical results. But there really is no average result because everyone has a different book, product or service and comes to me with varying levels of experience. All the above people are people who already had a lot going for them.
Quantum Leaps don’t come by accident. They only come to those who invest time and money in learning exactly how to make them happen.
How about you?
Are you continuously learning and improving your marketing skills? I hope so, because it’s one of the biggest traits mega-successful authors and experts have in common. No matter how much they’ve accomplished, they’re always studying and refining their marketing skills.
Who I Am And Why I Can Help You Make A Quantum Leap In Your Income, Influence And Recognition

My name is Steve Harrison, and since 1987, I've been consulting and advising authors and entrepreneurs on how to promote their books, products and services.
I’ve been responsible, directly or indirectly, for getting more than 15,000 non-fiction authors and experts booked on radio and TV talk shows, which is more than any PR firm on the planet.
As publisher of Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), I've helped launch such bestselling books as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Finish Rich series, and the For Dummies series, to name just a few.
Every year, I present the National Publicity Summit, where I open my personal Rolodex and give publicity-seekers the once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet face-to-face with producers, editors and journalists from media outlets like Good Morning America, Time, Family Circle, Live with Kelly and Ryan, ABC’s 20/20, Dateline NBC, CNN, Fox News and many more.

Here’s What Some Of These Bestselling
Authors Say About My Company:

Steve and Bill took us from being invisible to being visible with Chicken Soup for the Soul!
We averaged anywhere from 3 to 5 radio phone interviews a day for that first year - critical publicity which helped put our book on the New York Times Best Seller List!
Mark Victor Hansen
Co-Creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul

The "Kick-start" to the success of
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The interviews I received were an immense kick-start to the success of my book Rich Dad Poor Dad. By doing radio and TV interviews on a regular basis promoting my book, doors throughout the publishing world opened to me. Your company gave me the initial boost I needed to create momentum and sell my first 250,000 copies - a monumental task for any self-publisher. To date, we’ve sold more than 10 million copies of Rich Dad Poor Dad worldwide. My book is now available in 38 languages and 80 countries. I [was] on the New York Times Best Seller List for more than two years.
Robert Kiyosaki
Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Get major publicity for a fraction of what PR firms charge!
Steve Harrison is a genius when it comes to getting publicity. He’s one of the very few PR experts I trust for advice about getting “free advertising” in newspapers, magazines and on radio and TV. Not only have his techniques brought me publicity and made me money, but he’s helped a long list of my clients and colleagues get major publicity for a fraction of what PR firms charge. Only a damn fool would not invest in his proven system!
Dan Kennedy
No B.S. Marketing Letter

"Worth millions in publicity hits over the years" says New York Times bestselling author David Bach
Steve Harrison's Radio TV interview Report helped me start it all! When I wrote my first book, Smart Women Finish Rich, I needed to reach the world on a tight budget. My fourth advertisement pulled over 50 radio shows. Most importantly, advertising with RTIR taught me how to pitch the media. I learned what works, and what doesn’t work. That alone has been worth millions in publicity hits over the years.
David Bach
Author #1 New York Times bestseller,
The Automatic Millionaire
Note: Obviously Mark, Robert, Dan, David and others quoted in this letter do not represent typical results. Then again there is no typical result because every client comes to us with something different to promote, different skill sets, business experience, resources, etc. Mark, Robert and David came to us as experienced marketers with a lot going for them so it was easier for them to get good result quickly. Also, several of the people quoted here have become business partners of ours, some have received promotional consideration, free products/services, others have become compensated affiliates or done other business with us.
I’ve been invited to speak at the same conferences as such well-known speakers as Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Glenn Beck, Les Brown, T. Harv Eker, Robert Allen, and many more.
Over the years I’ve seen firsthand the many rewards of marketing my expertise.
I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging, but I've sold more than $41 million of training programs and information products.
I've presented countless webinars and other virtual presentations, some of which have generated over $50,000 in sales in a day.
I‘ve grossed as much as $82,000 from a single promotion to my mailing list, and have brought in more than $100,000 from a 90-minute speech on five separate occasions!

You'll Also Learn From The Best Marketer I Know – My Brother And Partner Bill

A lot of people don’t know this, but my brother Bill is one of the biggest reasons our company has been so successful. While I’m the public face of the company, Bill is “Mr. Inside.”
He’s really knowledgeable when it comes to things like internet marketing, list building, and the nuts and bolts of marketing books and other information products and programs. In fact, he started our company and I joined him two years later. We’ve been having a ball ever since. You wouldn’t be reading this now if it weren’t for him.
Bill is one of the many undiscovered treasures you’ll encounter in the program. He’ll show you how to use your book or expertise to build a list of people who will buy from you again and again, how to find your ideal customer, how to make money 24 hours a day by using proven internet marketing techniques and much more.
Many People Have Found Just One Idea We
Gave Them Changed Everything For Them
One of the most powerful things about having time with Bill and me is that we bring "fresh eyes" and over 40 years of combined experience to what you’re marketing. We can often see a new market, a new revenue stream, a new way of promoting what you have that is much more profitable and much easier than what you’re currently doing. It’s one of the things we do best, and it’s why we love working with people like you.

One idea from Bill catapulted Perry’s business to new level
As an author, I soon discovered that the real money is not found in my book sales. Bill Harrison suggested I create a coaching program based on my book’s topic. I followed his advice and launch a marketing campaign. I’m happy to say it was an almost instant hit and has more than doubled my business.”
Perry Marshall
consultant and author of Industrial Ethernet and
The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords

Appeared on both ABC’s The View and Good Morning America

Before meeting Steve, I had never appeared on national television before, but that was one of my goals. He trained me to be able to pitch myself directly to the media. Following his advice, I emailed a producer from The View about doing a timely segment on “nightmares” around Halloween. She loved it! A few days later, there I was, sitting with the show’s hosts. We were all dressed in costumes and I was explaining the meaning of people’s scary dreams. But that’s not all. A few weeks later, I was booked on Good Morning America. Thanks to this incredible publicity, my sales have really taken off. I’ve become known as the leading expert in my field, and a distributor now wants to carry my book.
Lauri Quinn Loewenberg
author of So, What Did You Dream Last Night
and creator of TheDreamzone.com
Note: Neither Perry, Lori nor others quoted in this letter represent typical results. Then again there is no typical result because every client comes to us with something different to promote, different skill sets, business experience, resources, etc. Perry and Lori were both experienced marketers with a lot going for them so it was easier for them to get good results quickly. Several of the people in this letter have become business partners of ours, received promotional consideration, become compensated affiliates and/or received free products/services.
Online Masterclass Only For Quantum Leap Members: Watch Jack Canfield Show You How He’s Sold Over 500 Million Books!
When Jack was only making $36,000 a year, he invested $18,000 a year in coaching in order to succeed. Today he’s one of the world’s most influential coaches, speakers and teachers. He has two people on staff who devote all their time answering the more than 500 emails and letters he receives every day from people around the world who are thanking him for changing their life – sometimes saving it.
Jack has also been a mentor, advisor, and friend to many other bestselling authors. He’s learned from and influenced such bestselling authors as John Gray, Bob Proctor, James Ray, Joe Vitale, Brian Tracy, and Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Work Week. I'm thrilled that Jack has once again agreed to be a paid faculty member and affiliate for our Quantum Leap Program.
Jack will lead an online, one-day intensive training session for Quantum Leap members. When you join now, you will get access to the masterclass, in which you'll hear and see Jack share his success secrets for yourself.
Plus: You can take part in quarterly Q&A calls with Jack Canfield and Steve Harrison throughout your year of Quantum Leap membership. Get expert advice and proven strategies for making the most out of your book or other project.

Here are just some of the highlights of what Jack is excited to share with you:
- What you can learn and apply from the success of Chicken Soup and The Secret to market your book or product to millions of people!
- How to use the law of attraction in book marketing and sales.
- Eliminating your limiting beliefs about marketing and sales success.
- How to use a syndicated column to boost sales.
- 30 specific strategies you can choose from and use to become a bestselling author.
- How to get your book into more bookstores, military bases, and other retail outlets and be one of the few books, if not the only one, people see.
- How to repurpose your book and information using Facebook, Twitter, webinars, seminars, licensing, and other forms of social media and grass roots marketing.
- How he set a Guinness World Record for the largest book signing of all time, and how you too can have super-successful book signings!
- Keys to getting paid speaking engagements at companies, organizations and churches around the country.
Jack will also be giving you actual forms, contracts, scripts, and tools he uses to achieve outstanding success as an author and speaker.
To Make Your Quantum Leap, You Need
“F-A-M-E™” Not Just Fame
When most people think about attracting “fame” they only think about getting a lot of publicity and exposure. That’s critical, but you need more than that if you’re going to rise to the elite level of influence, income and recognition bestselling authors and top experts receive.
Based on working with and observing some of the most highly paid authors, speakers and consultants, I notice they have four distinctive things, which I summarize with the acronym F-A-M-E, where F is for having a Focused plan, A is for getting A Lot More Exposure, M is for using Models that are proven and E is for Executing Your Plan. If you do these four things, you’ll be amazed how far you can go and how quickly you’ll soar ahead of everyone else.

Most authors and experts are passionate about their message and they work hard to promote themselves and their books. But they usually wind up spinning their wheels. Why? No plan. Or worse... the WRONG plan. They haven’t identified exactly where they want to go or how they’re going to get there.
But if you're accepted into my Quantum Leap Program, we're going to personally take the time to understand who you are, what you have, and where you want to go with it. One of my personally trained coaches is going to take you through a step-by-step process to help you develop a realistic and focused plan of action that will enable you to make your quantum leap.
Just think… no more feelings of being confused or overwhelmed. I’ll identify the critical few things you’ll need to do to hit your goals.

Often the key to going to a much higher level of income or influence simply requires making yourself (and your book) better known. If more people simply knew you existed, they would probably buy what you’re offering, wouldn’t they?
Deepak Chopra once told me that when he first appeared on Oprah, his career went to a whole new level. That’s why a big part of my Quantum Leap Program is devoted to helping you get massive exposure for your book – especially if you have little or no money to spend.
I’m going to show you proven ways of using free publicity, no-cost, and low-cost marketing methods to generate a lot of buzz around what you’re doing without breaking your budget.
Let A Top Image Consultant And Former Guest Bookers For Oprah And The Today Show Help You Get Ready To Appear On National TV
First, we’ll make sure you’re ready for prime time. You’ll get one-on-one consultations with a nationally known image consultant and a former national TV producer (my team includes former guest bookers for Oprah, Dateline NBC and Today Show). We’ll make sure you have the right look and the right strategy to appeal to your target audience. You’ll be shown specific steps that you (or someone else) can do to get more publicity, locally and nationally.
But that’s not all because we'll announce your availability for interviews up to 6 times (that could be every other month for a year!) in Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), the email publication producers read to find guests, and you can use them to let producers know you’re available for interviews.
Since 1986, RTIR has become known as the bible of the industry among producers looking for guests. We’ll run it in the publication which reaches between 500 and 1,000 radio-TV producers across the U.S. and Canada.
Authors and experts featured in RTIR have been booked on such shows as Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, ABC's 20/20, and many more. It’s ideal for generating calls from radio stations who will interview you via telephone. On each show, you’ll usually be able to tell audiences how to order your book or product.
But that’s not all when it comes to getting publicity. We’re going to train you how to write an effective one-page PR pitch to the media that will grab their attention. We’ll teach you how to turn interviews into sales. We’ll even critique your PR copy, press kit, on-air interviews or anything else you want feedback on.

Some authors, speakers, and self-promoters are able to ramp up and quickly leave every one else in the dust. How? By using proven models and marketing methods other successful authors/experts have used and tailoring them for their own purposes. These models are really “shortcuts.”
There are shortcuts for doing just about everything in this business, but most people never bother to look – or they don’t know how or where to find them. Things like getting publicity, selling your book on the air, giving speeches that drive back-of-the-room sales, creating a website that sells a ton of books, marketing your own seminars and teleseminars and creating new audio/video products are all things that can be done successfully if you follow a proven step-by-step process.
When you’re in my Quantum Leap Program, you’ll see actual examples of what works and what doesn’t. You’ll receive a complete toolbox of marketing and publicity materials which you can imitate and tailor for your own purposes.

All the knowledge, ideas, and contacts in the world don’t mean anything unless you put them into action. Sadly, most people have big goals, but they don’t do what’s necessary to make them happen. That’s where my Quantum Leap Program can help you.
You see, there are a number of reasons people don’t take action on their goals. Sometimes you might be confused by all the different options that are available. Other times, maybe you feel discouraged and alone. And still other times, you’re simply trying to do too much by yourself. That’s why my Quantum Leap Program will be so invaluable to you because it’s going to help you really implement your plan.
The first thing we’re going to do is help you develop a clear plan and be accessible to you by phone to help you do it. But it doesn’t end there. You’re also going to have something most authors/experts don't have – the encouragement and support of like-minded people, who are doing the same things you’re doing and who will call you to your best and highest self.
You’ll also be part of exclusive coaching – reserved only for my Quantum Leap members. Plus, you’ll build a network of members you feel especially close to with whom you'll speak frequently.
That’s not all. We’ll also help you find the best vendors and freelancers who can help you get more done. We’ll refer you to key people who can help you make your Quantum Leap – whether it be a web designer, book distributor, audio packager, book cover designer or anything else. We’ll even give you our Million Dollar Rolodex of Key Vendors, Consultants, Professionals and Industry Contacts. We’ll show you how to develop a “support staff” of people over time who do the stuff you’re not good at, so you can focus more on doing what you enjoy.
Say "Goodbye!" To Feeling Alone And Overwhelmed – Our Expert Coaches Will Work With You 1-on-1 To Save You Time And Help You Reach Your Goals Quickly
Here are just some of our expert coaches and consultants who will personally advise you:

Do you want to write a good book 5x faster? Would you like to get your book published by a major publisher?
You’ll be able to speak with Debby, my head book writing coach. For 17 years, Debby was an editor at major publishers in New York City like Macmillan and John Wiley & Sons. She could give you feedback on your manuscript, work with you to create a killer title, and even help you land a publishing deal.

Want to sell more books… a lot more books?
Then you’ll enjoy working with book coach Cristina. She's a bestselling author who's worked with traditional publishers and has self-published, and can help you refine your book pitch, build your author platform, and sell a lot more books on Amazon.

Want to appear on national TV?
Then who could show you the ropes better than Danette, an Emmy® Award-winning producer who has booked guests for CNN and for Oprah! Imagine having her help you create a segment that you could offer TV producers. Danette can role-play with you and take you through her “Make Me Mediagenic” training.

Ever dream of doing a TED talk or speaking at major conferences?
Then you’ll absolutely love working with Geoffrey on my team. He is one of the foremost experts on storytelling and presentations in the world. In fact, over the last few years he's helped more than 70 of our clients land and/or do their TEDx talks. Geoffrey will use his rich experience to coach you into becoming a captivating public speaker who can really command the stage - and bigger speaking fees.

Let one of the top experts in the world to make sure you “look the part” for a TV appearance or speaking engagement.
One key to getting booked is to make sure that what you’re wearing and how you look corresponds to your message in the right way. For example, wouldn’t you expect an expert on Wall Street to wear different clothes than an author on creative play for kids? You’ll be able to have Mary, one of the top image consultants in the world, look at photos and work with you by phone or by Zoom so you can make sure your visual brand communicates exactly what you want it to. Mary has been on the Today Show more than once, because she knows what she’s talking about.
We'll Use The MOST PROVEN Strategy To Get You A Lot More Publicity And Exposure Over The Next Year
Whenever I interview media and ask them for their best piece of advice for getting publicity, they tend to say one thing over and over: Tie your pitch into something that is timely or already in the news.
For example, you might have heard my interview with Quantum Leap member, Jim Trippon. He shared how he pitched the media by email as soon as news came out that China stocks had plunged.
By alerting the media as soon as the story broke, he was able to get coverage on CNN, CNBC, Fox News and Associated Press.

Here Are Just Some Of The Highlights Of What You'll Learn In My Quantum Leap Program
Writing and Producing More Books, Better Books, Faster and Easier:
- A unique process for writing a quality non-fiction book in as little as 12 weeks.
- When to self-publish and when to find a publisher.
- The list most authors never make that must be made before writing, that produces hundreds of thousands of dollars of free promotion.
- How to make an old book new: If you have a book that was published a year, two years, three years ago, there are ways to bring it back to life and give it a fresh promotional cycle.
- What to do to get someone else to write your book for you!
- Make money while you sleep, vacation, write your next book… with 100% auto-pilot marketing online and offline, that converts people who find you by buying your book into “club members” who give you money every month.
- How to get paid many times for the same content.
- The five most highly profitable proven models for making money from your book.
- How to build your information empire in a way that suits your particular lifestyle.
- Radical new “business models” for authors to make a lot more money from whatever book you write (AND MUCH MORE!).
How to Get A TON of Publicity and Exposure for What You’re Promoting:
- The best way to contact and impress producers at top national TV shows like Good Morning America, Today, CNN, Fox News and more.
- How to become known as THE Expert in what you do (even if you don’t have the credentials or experience others have).
- Strategies for developing a killer publicity "hook" that'll get you lots of major league print and broadcast publicity.
- Secrets to turning radio, TV and print interviews into sales.
- Proven formulas for pitching national television shows and how you can apply them to what you’re promoting.
- How to know who to contact at the top TV shows, magazines, and newspapers.
- What to do when someone with inferior knowledge, information, and advice seems to be getting all the publicity and exposure.
- How to get someone to regularly pitch you to the media – without paying thousands of dollars per month to a publicist.
- What your press kit must include in order to impress the media.
- How to get your own radio or TV talk show.
- 3 mistakes many authors make which get them “blacklisted” by the media.
- How to become a syndicated columnist.
How to Create a Bestselling Book:
- What you need to do BEFORE you start promoting.
- Things you didn’t know about how the bestseller lists are calculated.
- How to get others to promote your book or product for you.
- A specific strategy for getting major celebrities to give you an endorsement for your book.
- How bestselling authors create a sudden surge of book sales to drive their book to the bestseller lists.
- 5 biggest mistakes authors make when writing books which prevent them from having longevity in the market place.
- Keys to creating a killer book title.
How to Make a Six-Figure Income as a Public Speaker:
- Proven ways to find conferences, seminars and events to speak at.
- 5 key things to negotiate with the meeting planner.
- The 12 elements in any speech or presentation you deliver that are most critical for driving “back-of-the-room sales.”
- How to shut out the competition and be the first speaker people think of inviting to their event.
- Selling your book or information on the Internet.
- Exactly what you need to do to build a large list of people who are willing to buy from you again and again.
- The five most important things your website needs (and which most authors and experts do NOT have).
- Where to find a good web designer who’ll do good work inexpensively.
- How to use Google to generate more traffic to your web site.
- What most authors don’t know about selling their books on Amazon or eBay.
- How to use membership sites or membership organizations to get your message out effectively.
Secrets to Hitting a Home Run As a Guest on National TV Talk Shows:
- 3 things you need to ask the producer AFTER they book you.
- What B-roll is and how to use it to get booked on shows that would otherwise not have you on.
- Actual email pitches that have worked at getting guests booked.
- The secret method one author used to get booked on national TV nine times!
- How to find out about a producer's personal background BEFORE you pitch him or her.
- Special things a producer can do for you which they probably won’t do unless you ask.
Creating Other Products and Services:
- Creating audio and video products in as little as a single weekend that you can sell for $97... $497... $997 or more.
- Easy ways to niche your information to different audiences without redoing the whole product.
- How to create products on-demand – without paying to print thousands of books or manuals or hundreds of CD copies.
How to Market and Put On Your Own Seminars or Virtual Presentations:
- A step-by-step marketing system proven to successfully sell seminars, which anyone can use.
- How to get speakers to promote your seminar for you.
- What you need to do to make $10,000.00… $50,000.00… or more doing your own teleseminar, web class, or other virtual presentation.
Dealing with Publishers and Agents:
- A few “unusual” things you MUST get in your contract (that your agent won’t ask for or fight for unless you insist) in order to properly market and promote your book and to create your back-end, direct incomes. Learn why there are a few things you might find in a publisher’s “standard” contract that you want out. Even more importantly, for “off-contract matters,” you must secure cooperation from your publisher... and you may need a battle plan for that!
- How to write a killer book proposal – whether for your next book or your first one!
- The most important thing that literary agents are looking for when considering whether or not to represent you (HINT: it has nothing to do with the quality of your manuscript).
Make $100,000.00 or More as a Coach or Consultant:
- Different forms your coaching program can take, and how to determine which one would be best for the people you serve.
- How to double your fees.
- Common mistakes people make when marketing coaching programs and how to avoid them.
How to Get More Done in Less Time:
- Creating a realistic plan for success so you know what you need to do and when.
- Referrals to key freelancers, vendors, and consultants who can do things for you.
- How to get interns to do things for you for little or no pay.
- 3 time management habits that will change your life.
Getting Your Book Into Bookstores and Other Retailers:
- How to find alternative distribution and sales for your book that are easier to secure and more lucrative than selling your book through bookstores.
- The secret to getting celebrities you’ve never met to endorse your book.
- What you absolutely MUST know about negotiating with publishers. Critical clauses you need to have in your contract that 99% of authors never ask about.
- Proven ways to license your content.
How to Build a List of People Who’ll Buy From You Again and Again:
- Where to find all the mailing lists, publications, conferences, centers of influence, possible joint venture partners, and sponsorship opportunities for your particular book or field of expertise.
Secrets to Book Promotion:
- How to get sponsors to give you money to promote your book before it even comes out!
- How to guarantee an initial tidal wave of purchase of your books.
- How to have influential people standing in line begging to promote your books for you.
Other Marketing and Money-Making Secrets:
- How to capture the names of people who buy your book/product and get them to buy from you again and again, for years to come. You'll get the template of a promotion one author uses to get a staggering 10% of his book buyers onto his mailing list. This is like money in the bank!
- How to do your own high-profit teleseminars and live conferences and workshops.
- Secrets to building a strong enduring brand.
- How to reinvent yourself – by changing your image, going after a new market, or creating a new line of information, products, or services.
- Launching certification programs in which people pay you to train them to teach your material and then go spread your message for you.
- And much, much more!
Relax, I Don’t Expect You To Implement ALL Of The Above Within The Next Year, Especially If You’re Just Getting Started, But You Need To Understand…
I have two goals which at first glance may seem contradictory. The first is to teach you as many proven techniques for reaching people with your message as possible. The second is to help you choose, focus and implement your best options in a realistic timetable based on the demands of your current lifestyle and priorities.
I don’t want you to be like those people who go to conferences and seminars all the time, learn a lot of things, but never do anything with what they know.
And I don’t want you to be like other people, who are good at doing one or two things, but are grossly ignorant of new possibilities, faster, more productive ways of accomplishing what they’re currently doing, and consequently have a small and narrow vision of what they could really achieve for themselves.
I’ve discovered the top authors, experts, speakers, and consultants are always doing two different things simultaneously. They’re constantly learning about new developments in marketing and product development. Then they’re using that information to determine their best options, develop and continually refine a very FOCUSED plan of action.
That’s exactly what my Quantum Leap Program is designed to do. You’re going to receive guidance on making the right choices and putting together the right combinations for what you’re promoting and what you want to accomplish.

Pennsylvania mom takes her idea from kitchen table to national prominence
Jen Groover had an idea one day. What if she created a new type of handbag with lots of compartments in it so women could keep all their stuff separated easily? That one idea led to “The Butler Bag.” Here’s what she says Steve Harrison did for her and her company:
“When I was first trying to get my product off the ground, I couldn’t get major distributors to take my idea seriously enough. After meeting Steve Harrison, I decided to focus on getting a lot of major press. At first, I didn’t know how to get publicity, but what I learned from working with Steve has led to my developing a thick binder of press coverage for my product. I’ve gotten press in O the Oprah Magazine, People, Woman’s World, New York Daily News, Entrepreneur, U.S. Airways, Success Magazine, CNBC, Philadelphia Inquirer, QVC and much more. The Butler Bag is now the fastest selling bag in the world. Thanks, Steve, for helping me make it happen!”
Jen Groover
Note: Obviously Jen’s experience doesn’t represent a typical result. Then again there is no typical result because every client comes to us with something different to promote, different skill sets, business experience, resources, etc. Jen was already a very experienced marketer with a lot going for her, so it was easier for her to get good results quickly. She has become a compensated affiliate for our company and returned to several of our seminars as our guest to teach others what she’s learned along the way.
My Quantum Leap
Program Is NOT
For The Following People
Children’s book authors. Sorry, I loved reading children’s books to my kids, but the strategies you’re going to learn won’t apply to you.
Fiction authors who don’t have some kind of expertise they can market along with the book. One of my clients is a sports medicine doctor. He wrote a novel about drugs in sports. I’ve been able to help him get a lot of publicity — he even hit the Amazon bestseller list. But, if he didn’t have some expertise to market in addition to his book, I couldn’t have helped him. If you’re a novelist, is there a related issue or something about which you have some expertise that you could talk about on a talk show or at a seminar? If so, my program can probably help you. But if not, it’s not for you.
Authors who refuse to see BEYOND their book. As part of my Quantum Leap Program, you’re going to learn a lot about selling more books. But as I’ve said in this letter, the real money is in offering people other things that can make you a lot more money. If that idea intimidates you right now, it won’t once you participate in my program. The fact is, writing and promoting a book by itself is like pushing a boulder uphill. It’s the hardest work you can do. By contrast, the “back-end revenue” is the easiest to obtain.
People so in love with their own ego they look down on those less accomplished. Even if you have already had a lot of success and made a lot of money with your book or expertise, I caution you about thinking you know it all. Things are changing rapidly. Seizing this opportunity to learn cutting-edge strategies and promotion secrets will prove to be worth your time and investment. The more success you’ve already had, the more it can be multiplied by the techniques and strategies you’ll learn from me and my faculty. But, I don’t want to deal with egomaniacs. The whole theme around my program is to have people who are successful in one area help others who are less so. If you don’t want to play, stay home.

“With all these expert consultants, I feel like I have an entire football team supporting me!” one of my members told me.

Now You’ll Finally Have A Support Team To Help You
Let’s face it. The life of an entrepreneur, author, speaker or consultant can be a lonely one.
Yet one of the key differences between the few who succeed and the many who fail, is the truly successful don’t try to do everything by themselves.
Years ago, Napoleon Hill was hired by Andrew Carnegie to study the lives of the most successful people in business and report on the things they had in common. He reported everything in his book Think And Grow Rich.
Hill discovered great achievers usually have what he calls "a mastermind group" – a group of people with whom he or she can brainstorm, seek advice, get feedback, be encouraged, and even be held accountable.
That’s what you’ll be given on a silver platter when you’re part of my Quantum Leap Program.
Moreover, you’ll be able to get in touch with members anytime you have a problem, need advice or just want to get some encouragement. Some members will become lifelong friends.

The first phone consultation was worth a fortune!
I’ve only had one consultation in your Quantum Leap Program, but the results have already been amazing. When I used to speak at a seminar, approximately 13%-18% of the people would buy my $1,000 program. But when I followed your advice, 50% of the people bought – that 32% increase alone gave me an extra $96,000 when speaking in front of 300 people. Since I do a lot of speaking, that one consultation with you was worth a fortune to me! As a result of Quantum Leap, I’ve also received many feature stories in magazine and was able to make my book a bestseller!

Kurek Ashley
success coach and
Bestselling author of How Would Love Respond?

The Quantum Leap Program is giving me great advice, support and encouragement
Just the one-on-one consultations are worth the price. But I’m also really enjoying being in the group. Many of us talk to each other on a regular basis for support and encouragement.

Susanne Paynovich
Creator of watergym.com

Unknown pet expert from Jackson, Tennessee gets booked on national TV, lands lucrative publishing deal and brings in monthly sponsorship cash
When I first came to Quantum Leap, I had a radio talk show about pets in Jackson, Tennessee, but it didn’t pay me any money. But Steve Harrison and his Quantum Leap Program helped me make one quantum leap after the other. It’s truly amazing all the incredible things that have happened since I first walked into that meeting in Philadelphia. Since then, I’ve been on Live with Kelly four times. I’ve appeared on CNN and Fox News. My radio show, Pet Talk, is now nationally syndicated to more than 70 stations. I was able to use the information and contacts I made to get a literary agent and a surprisingly large advance for my book Dog Talk. Once it was published, my book very quickly became an Amazon bestseller. Oh, and there’s more. I now have sponsors paying me each month and an email list of 42,000 people. Thanks, Steve, for everything! Your Quantum Leap Program gave me more than strategies and tactics. You inspired me and gave me the confidence I could actually make it happen!

Harrison Forbes
Host of “Pet Talk” and author of Dog Talk

Thanks to Quantum Leap, I got 40 speaking engagements and two new books out!
When I saw the price tag for Quantum Leap, I gulped; then I went to skeptical. But my bottom line after a year in the program is this: it was worth every dollar. Frustrated with rejection by publishers because my platform wasn’t big enough, I wanted to get a traditional publisher interested in my book proposal. So, I joined QL to focus on platform building, especially speaking engagements and list increasing endeavors.
Not only did my agent sell my book after just six months in the program, she negotiated critical clauses in my contract that I never would have known about without QL. That alone more than repaid my investments. But, I’ve also booked over 40 speaking engagements, picked up consulting clients, launched a company, and even self-published a tips book used to leverage more business. So, when you see Hitting Your Stride: Your Work, Your Way (Capital Books), know that Steve and Bill helped put it there, and their marketing and promotional insights taught in QL will keep it there.”

Nan Russell
Author of Nibble Your Way to Success

Interviewed on CNN, CNBC, Associated Press and Fox News – all from just ONE press release sent the ‘Quantum Leap Way’
Quantum Leap is the single best investment you can make if you are serious about building profitable information product business. Specifically because of a Quantum Leap meeting, I obtained a major literary agent and a $20,000.00 advance on an international book deal. Using the media techniques I learned from Steve Harrison, I’ve appeared on Bloomberg, CNBC International, Fox & Friends, New York Public Radio, International Herald Tribune and the Associated Press. (And that was all from a single one-page press release). You couldn’t buy that type of publicity for a million dollars. But, I learned how to do it for FREE with the training I received in Quantum Leap.
If you think I am a big fan of Quantum Leap you are right. This program has made me serious money. My advice to you is to not focus on what it will cost to attend the program, focus instead on what you will lose if you choose not to attend. Be smart. Be rich. Be a person that is wise enough to invest in your dreams. They can come true!

Jim Trippon CPA
Bestselling Author and Advisor to America’s Millionaires™

Quantum Leap paid for itself several times over during the year!
I had been looking for the ‘right’ program to help me move to a higher recognition and income level, but I had to have a personal comfort level with the ethics of those running the program. I found that will Bill and Steve.
Thanks to their Quantum Leap Program, my web traffic is up at all three sites by over 70%. I’m converting more traffic to buyers. I’ve been quoted in more traditional and online publications such as the LA Times, Businessweek.com, Entrepreneur.com, and many more. I was selling copies of my second book in bulk before it was even published! My third product has been recorded and is heading for production, and I’ve developed two additional income streams. While I do not discuss my annual income anywhere, it is fair to say this program paid for itself several times over during my membership.”

Mark Amtower
“The Godfather of government marketing”

I spent a year ignoring Steve’s emails, until…
…something encouraged me to listen to one of his teleseminars and I signed up for Quantum Leap. I’m so glad I did! Within 48 hours of the first meeting I’d found an amazing hook for my book and a whole new direction I could take. In less than a year, I have found a new boldness. I’ve been interviewed on 32 radio programs nationwide, and one TV show. Recently, a full page story was written about my mission regarding emergency preparedness. The article hit the newswire and has been picked up by several other national newspapers. I also just signed a contract with The Learning Annex in New York to begin doing monthly workshops. WOW! Thanks to Quantum Leap for a new life! Oh yeah, and I really like Steve and Bill a whole lot!

Laurie Long
Author of My Life In A Box

Seven speaking engagements and new coaching program launched
When I enrolled at the Quantum Leap Program, I was broke financially and totally lost business wise. But I knew if I learned from the best of the best I would drastically reduce the amount of money and time needed to build a successful business. So I got a loan and invested in myself and my business.
I am happy now to say I have achieved many of my dreams. For the first time in my life, I have about seven speaking engagements lined-up with great organizations. I have been receiving great testimonials from the speaking presentations thanks to Steve’s genius coaching. I’m getting more and more coaching clients every time I speak. I was recently signed on by Atchity Entertainment International, Inc. because they’re interested in doing a movie about my life. I also have the endorsement of Mark Victor Hansen before my book is even published! I’ve done tons of radio interviews, my database is getting bigger and bigger and my wealth is growing by the minute! All this in just one year! Your fee was worth every single cent. Thanks for how you’ve changed my life!

Lygya Maya
Author and life coach

Thanks to Quantum Leap I’m reaching half a million people every day and got a big advance for my first book deal with a top publisher!
I can’t tell you enough about what they have done for me this year. When I entered the program, compared to where I am today, my career is in an entirely different universe. First, we held a massive event at the L.A. Forum, where 10 thousand people gathered to be a part of something life changing. The Quantum Leap Program helped me focus on doing the right type of publicity in order to ensure that the venue was filled to capacity. And, indeed, it was.
I created a 6-CD audio series with companion workbook entitled “Unleashing the Power of Christ in Your Life.” This product alone has generated thousands of dollars in revenue that wouldn’t have come otherwise. Thanks to Quantum Leap, I’ve also become the host of a radio program with more than half a million listeners. It gets even better. With the great advice I got from Steve, I was able to land a $75,000 advance as a first-time author with one of the world’s largest publishers. This year has been Quantum Leap year to say the least. So, if you want to make it to the next level and beyond, I highly recommend Steve Harrison’s wonderful program.

Jason Spear
Speaker and author of POWER TO CHANGE:
Breaking the Destructive Patterns in your Life
Successful author says,

I’ve been in a lot of coaching groups,but none more practical and thorough than Quantum Leap
Since 1985, I’ve been an author, speaker and entrepreneur with several companies. I’ve had two of my own national television shows. I’ve spoken at events and shared stages with the likes of Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Bob Proctor. I have personally invested in countless coaching and mastermind groups. I believe in them, and when I join them, I typically join the higher-leveraged ones. I have found Quantum Leap to be more put together, more value-added, more thorough than any other coaching group I’ve seen.
The results have been many. For example, from one relationship with another member, I tripled my investment in Quantum Leap. With one idea properly implemented, our company has doubled in size. I’ve been written up in Woman’s World magazine. I could go on and on. The return in investment is uncanny.

Donna Krech
Former national TV talk show host,
Speaker and author of the e-book,
Note: None of the people quoted above represent typical results. Then again there is no typical result because every client comes to us with something different to promote, different skill sets, business experience, resources, etc. Most of the above people were already experienced marketers when we met them and came to us with a lot already going for them so it was easier for them to get good results quickly. Some have since also become business partners of ours, received promotional consideration, become compensated affiliates and/or returned to our seminars as our guest to share what they’ve learned with others.
Here’s What You’ll Receive As A Member Of Our Quantum Leap Program
- Online Masterclass with Jack Canfield. In this masterclass held via Zoom, Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield reveals how he's sold more than 500 million books! Use his strategies and tactics to achieve more success with your book or other project.
- Attend many of Steve Harrison's workshops and seminars for FREE! (Does not include National Publicity Summit.) As a Quantum Leap member, whenever possible, you'll be invited to attend many trainings, programs and events (valued at $1,000.00 plus) free of charge or at a 90% discount.
- We'll announce your availability for interviews up to six times in Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), the email publication 500-1,000 producers read to find guests (regularly $2,400). Imagine getting radio/TV interviews without having to lift a finger. We’ll interview you in-depth and create a compelling publicity hook around your topic. We’ll then run a write-up about you in RTIR which reaches between 500 and 1,000 radio and TV producers. RTIR has become known as the “bible of the industry” when it comes to finding guests. Our clients have been booked on such shows as Good Morning America, CNN, and radio talk shows around the country. Most if not all of your response will usually come from radio stations who’ll interview you via telephone. Think about it… you could talk to people in San Francisco, Dallas and New York – all in one afternoon!
- Up to four 30-minute one-on-one phone consultations with a former national TV producer. I have relationships with former TV producers who have booked guests for Oprah, NBC, and CBS. They'll work with you one-on-one to help you develop your message into the kind of compelling segment that appeals to producers. They'll also help you determine which shows would be best for you, how to write a great compelling segment, how to come across well on the air, and more. There’s no substitute to working with a bona fide TV producer if you’re serious about getting more national TV coverage.
- Up to two one-hour consultations with a nationally recognized image consultant. Did you know the color of your shirt or blouse could be the difference between whether or not you get booked on national TV? Did you realize the hairstyle you choose for yourself could be the deciding factor between whether or not people buy from you? Did you know yellow gives the impression you’re a person of high intellect while black makes you seem less approachable? A nationally-trained image consultant will give you the ideal wardrobe and color combination that best suits your target audience and helps convey your message. Whether you’re going to be on TV or speaking at a seminar, you’ll look fabulous and feel more confident than you ever imagined possible.
- No time to write press releases or other promotional materials? We’ll write them for you. Maybe you’re too busy. Or perhaps you’ve discovered it can be hard to write copy to promote yourself. After all, it’s easy to feel like you’re bragging too much. In fact, one of the hardest things for me to write was my own bio. I just felt like I was bragging too much. The truth is, you’ll probably be much better served to have an expert write your PR copy for you because they’ll make sure you come across as the fantastic person you are. So next time you want to have a press release, an "About Me" page for your website, media one-sheet, press kit or other promotional materials written, as a Quantum Leap member you’ll be able to have one of my personally trained publicity copywriters write it for your final approval. You’ll get up to 10 hours of a professional copywriter’s time (1 hour minimum per project) which you can use throughout the year as you need it.
- We’ll shoot and edit videos for you. You can even use my studio. Are you using video to effectively promote yourself and your work? For example, you can make several short videos and put them on YouTube so radio/TV producers, journalists and potential customers discover you. You can have a video on your website that welcomes people and tells them about what you’re promoting. As a Quantum Leap member, you’ll be able to use my video team and even my Philadelphia-area studio to create your videos, or we can work with you virtually. You’ll get up to four hours of my video team’s time (typically split between shooting and editing), which is usually more than enough time to shoot and edit four or five short videos (up to three minutes long).
- Special live Zoom trainings exclusively for Quantum Leap Members – Key marketing and money-making strategies will be presented by Steve, Bill, or an outside expert. You’ll be able to ask questions and get advice. You'll also be invited to participate in break-out groups covering particular topics in-depth, such as internet marketing, speaking and publicity. Recordings will be available to all members in case you can’t make the call or want to listen to it again.
- We’ll review your materials and help you develop your plan of action. You’ll send us material about yourself and complete an in-depth questionnaire. One of Steve Harrison’s trained Quantum Leap coaches will then work with you to develop a clear plan of action for achieving your goals. Your Quantum Leap Coach will work with you over the course of the year to guide you, encourage you and support you in making the most of Quantum Leap. In addition to helping you develop a focused plan, they can also help you create a more memorable brand, improve your marketing, and direct you to one or more Quantum Leap coaches who specialize in your particular areas of interest.
- Extra feedback each month via small group conference calls. You'll join a Quantum Leap coach and a small group of other clients for at least one live call per month (maybe more) – one small enough that you're guaranteed to be able to ask a question and get feedback.
- Steve and Bill’s Quantum Leap Marketing Tool Box: A Collection of Proven Publicity and Marketing Materials That Actually Work. You’ll get actual examples of press releases, pitch letters, postcards, websites, direct mail, ads, joint venture proposals/agreements, speeches, speaking proposals/contracts, marketing sequences, promotions, and strategies which you can use as models to improve your own marketing materials and save time. You’ll get these over the course of the program. Some of this stuff is top secret and we will ask you to agree in writing not to share it with others outside of the program.
- Up to six critiques by Steve or an experienced specialist on any or all of the following: writing and publishing your book the right way; selling your book and information over the internet; getting more broadcast, print and online publicity; using social media to grow your business; getting more speaking engagements; marketing your book effectively; writing copy that sells; and determining your best niche market.
Steve And His Team Will Help You Get More Publicity And Exposure By Doing All Of The Following For A Full Year
- Capitalize on times your topic makes news with our Publicity Scout Service. When you subscribe to this optional service (available at no extra charge), our Publicity Scout will send you weekly emails about the stories and types of experts the 800+ media producers who read RTIR newsletter currently want. If you think your topic’s a match, follow instructions in the email to get in RTIR's next issue. If you think of a timely tie-in of your own, our Publicity Scout will help you make the most of it, too.
- Special consideration for joint ventures and speaking opportunities. This is not something we can guarantee, but it’s possible that after working with you, we’ll decide to promote what you do to our list of customers and prospects. Or perhaps we’d invite you to speak at one of our conferences. Or maybe we’ll offer to help you market what you have on a bigger scale. The point is, if we know you and have worked with you, there are more possibilities than otherwise.
- Steve and Bill’s Million Dollar Rolodex of key vendors, consultants, professionals, and industry contacts. Need a good, reliable, affordable designer for your website or book cover? Looking for a good editor or literary agent? You’ll be able to get these things and more. One good contact could be worth many times what you invest in the program.
We’ll Help You Develop A “Focused Plan” For Making Your Quantum Leap
One of the biggest threats to your success is being overwhelmed and scattered. Having too much to do and too many options prevents most authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs from getting where they want to go.
That's why it's absolutely critical you have a plan tailored to your goals, your talents, and your resources. Most people don't have a plan. Those that do, often have the WRONG one and as a result they waste lots of time going down the wrong road.
If you're new to marketing, we'll cut years off your learning curve and save you from going down dead-end roads and making countless expensive mistakes.
You’ll work with one of my personally trained Quantum Leap coaches to develop your plan of action for achieving your goals. Imagine finally having a written document of just 2-5 pages showing you the specific steps you need to take to get where you want to go! That’s just one of many things we’ll help you develop in Quantum Leap.
The Price Of My Quantum Leap Program
What should Quantum Leap cost?
There’s really nothing to compare it to. No one offers you so many hands-on tools, resources, services, expert coaching, networking, insider’s access, and support in one place. No wonder Jack Canfield said he’s never seen a program for authors that offers so much.
Many of the things we offer are things that you can’t purchase separately from anyone anywhere. But here’s a quick list of what you’re getting to give you a sense of the incredible value. In the past, you may have seen me offer a coaching program on a very narrow topic such as speaking or social media. These programs usually sell for $2,000 or more. So I just went through everything we’re offering in Quantum Leap, broke it all down, and then asked myself, what would I realistically charge if I were ever to sell that piece of the program we deliver separately. Here’s what my list looked like:
Trainings and Bonuses You'll Receive
- At least 16 hours of one-on-one consulting with top experts - $9,000.00
- Attendance at many of Steve's events and trainings for free or at 90% discount - $1,000.00
- How to get your book written and published in the right way - $2,500.00
- How to sell your book and information over the internet - $1,500.00
- How to get more broadcast, print and online publicity - $1,500.00
- How to use social media to grow your business - $1,000.00
- How to get more speaking engagements - $1,500.00
- How to market your book effectively - $1,000.00
- How to write copy that sells - $1,500.00
- How to determine your best niche market - $1,500.00
- Publicity Scout services, publicizing you when your topic is in the news - $1,200.00
- Six ads in Radio-TV Interview Report (email newsletter producers read to find guests) - $2,400.00
- 10 hours of a professional copywriter’s time to write press releases and/or other promotional materials - $2,500.00
- Up to four hours with my video team (in-studio or remotely) to create videos for you - $1,500.00
- Up to four 30-minute one-on-one phone consultations with former TV producer - $1,200.00
- Up to two one-hour consultations with nationally recognized image expert - $1,200.00
- Personalized one-on-one coaching to determine your recommended plan of action - $1,200.00
- Quantum Leap Marketing Tool Box - $997.00
- Virtual Quantum Leap meeting featuring masterclass with Jack Canfield (or receive audio/video recordings) - $5,000.00
- Million Dollar Rolodex - Priceless
- Special consideration for joint ventures, endorsements, referrals, etc. - Priceless
Total Value: $39,197.00
Apply To Quantum Leap Now & Start Making Faster Progress Toward Your Success
As you can see above the total value of the program is $39,197 but I really do want to help people who are on a mission – not just a bunch of rich folks. So instead of the program being $50,000, it’s not even $30,000 or $20,000.
You can become a Quantum Leap member and get all the benefits I've described in this letter using one of these two options...
You're charged only a $50.00 application fee until officially accepted. If we're already sold out or if there's any other reason we can't accept you into Quantum Leap, we will refund your application fee.
If You’re Not “Wowed” By The End Of Your First Month In Quantum Leap, You’ll Get A Refund On Your Tuition
I’m so sure you’ll be thrilled with my Quantum Leap Program that I offer you this guarantee: You may cancel within 30 days of your acceptance into the program and get a full refund less a $500 cancellation fee. With only a limited number of open spots in my upcoming class, we have this cancellation fee to discourage people who aren’t serious from applying and taking a spot away from somebody else. Click here now to apply online

Think about it, where else can you learn the proven strategies, techniques, and systems to create highly-profitable publishing empires?
And besides, let’s assume for a moment you are a really, really, slow learner. All you need is to get a couple speaking engagements where you make $5,000.00 or more to repay your tuition investment. That’ll be a piece of cake by the time we’re done with you.
Remember, just ONE idea for selling a boatload of books, just ONE new strategy for selling books on the Internet, just ONE new way to repackage your information that you hadn’t considered, ONE tip from a fellow Quantum Leap member on how you can save thousands of dollars, just ONE new joint venture that emerges as a result of the networking opportunities I’m providing, will pay you back many times over this modest investment. Click here now to apply online
I’m not an accountant, but it’s likely that this expense would be tax-deductible for you. Don’t give the money to Uncle Sam to fritter away. Invest the money in building your information business today!
Answers To Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t feel ready yet, what should I do?
Many people make the mistake of thinking their book has to be done or they have to have achieved a certain milestone in order to make the most of the program. That’s a big mistake. Even if you are just at the concept stage for all this, you would be well served to learn BEFORE you start doing. I helped one author land a two-page feature story in O, the Oprah Magazine at the same time his book came out. But the only reason this happened is that he came to me when his book was still just an idea. Most people who “wait until they are ready” discover they would have done well to talk to us earlier in the process.
How much time and money will I need to invest to implement what I learn?
I can show you how to make a quantum leap if you’re willing to spend at least two hours a week and as little as $500 for startup costs. Having said that, obviously the more time and money you can invest, the better. But I specialize in showing people how to make big breakthroughs from small investments of time and money. Author Vincent Roazzi once told me if he’d come to one of my events earlier in his career, it would have saved him $250,000.00.
I have a lot going on right now, and I’m concerned I won’t be able to do all the things I’m going to learn from you? What should I do?
Everyone feels behind. Everyone feels squeezed for time. We don’t expect you to do everything we teach. But we do want to help you make the most of the time and resources you do have. You’ll go a lot farther this year with us than without us. Also, remember that we’re going to help you develop a custom tailored plan that takes into account the specific demands on your time. Some of our Quantum Leap members are growing their careers while taking care of relatives and other family responsibilities. So you’re not alone in having a lot going on. Click here now to apply online
Steve, I’m not sure I’m right for this program. I’d like to talk to you personally before enrolling.
Unfortunately, I cannot accommodate these kinds of requests. Even if it were possible, by the time you talked to me, the program would probably be sold out. The truth is we’re looking for decision-makers who can read a lengthy letter like this and decide to take action. Click here now to apply online
Some aspects of the program are things I have already done and already know about, while others are more of what I’m interested in. What should I do?
Everyone else is in the same boat. It’s one of the reasons why the program is so powerful. We work with high-caliber entrepreneurs who have a variety of goals and experience. That’s why the brainstorming and networking is so productive. You can help people who are trying to do what you’ve done, and vice versa. The point is to both give and receive. However, your consultations, planning, and critiques will be focused on your key objectives.
I don’t have the funds right now. Can you offer any discounts, scholarships or assistance? Can we do some kind of trade?
I appreciate your asking, but it’s not something I’m offering for this particular program.
Once I apply, how long until I know I’m accepted?
Once we receive your application, we’ll review it and give you a decision within three business days. If we have questions, you may hear from a member of my staff.
Here’s What You Need To Do Right Away To Reserve Your Spot
To apply for a spot in my Quantum Leap Program. Click here now to apply online and let’s get started on the path to making your dream come true.
Looking forward to helping you prosper,

P.P.S. Maybe you want to leave your job for good and be a full-time author. Or maybe you’re already doing that and you would love to have another $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 month from your book or expertise. Either way, you’ll get where you want to go faster and easier when you’re part of my Quantum Leap Program.
Join Quantum Leap Program Now & You’ll Spend A Full Day With Jack Canfield...

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